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In January 2020, Carlisle Legacy Books, LLC, published Dr. Al Carlisle's four books in "The Development of the Violent Mind" series.

In September we will publish “The Toughest Prison of All” by Floyd C. Forsberg.

Our goal is to promote the legacy of Dr. Carlisle and help people understand what makes good people do bad things. Dr. Carlisle believed that if we could understand this, we could protect kids from becoming victims of serial killers and sex offenders. We could also stop kids from becoming serial killers. If we recognize the steps, we can get people help. We can make a difference.

We are a small press that seeks other works to help people understand more about violent predators.

As Dr. Carlisle wanted to write fiction, we will also consider speculative fiction.

Charlene “Charlie” Harmon has been part of the Utah writing community for decades. She spent thirty years helping organize and run science fiction, fantasy, and horror conventions. She is an award-winning writer and poet. When her father passed away in 2018, she became his literary executor and created Carlisle Legacy Books.

Carrie Anne Keller is an independent contractor. She is an anthropologist, publisher, former business owner, and former agent for Dr. Carlisle. She spent several years studying online marketing and manages several Facebook pages. She helped run publicity for another small press publisher before helping start CLB.

Both women are mostly blind.

Together they are: Two Blind Ladies with Cats.

Also on the team:

Jessica Fowler, archivist and editor.

Steve Harmon, formatter and audiobook narrator.

Mike & Brylee Harmon, social media.

We wish to thank the following for giving us advice, wisdom, and support.

Michaelbrent Collings, Amazon bestselling author of horror fiction.

David Farland, international bestselling author and instructor.

Dave Butler, bestselling author.

Caryn Larrinaga, author and publisher of Twisted Tree Press.

Daniel Cureton, author, poet, librarian, and publisher of 42 Books.

Daniel Goddard, publisher of Griffin Books.

Marjorie Cooke, publisher of Indie Artists Press.

Cody Langille, author and publisher of Timber Ghost Press.

Various members of the League of Utah Writers and the Utah Chapter of the Horror Writers Association.